Alice Brinkman Literary Agency Welcomes You
Committed to Excellence
Alice Brinkman Literary Agency
Hello Writers! I will not be accepting any submissions at this time. I will be reading the submissions that I currently have received, and I will begin accepting submissions again on May 1, 2025.
I am dedicated to reading every one of my submissions. I will announce this message again on May 1, 2025. Keep writing and keep the faith!
Alice Brinkman Literary Agency is owned and operated by me, Alice Brinkman. Your writing stands alone when it gets into the hands of the editors who read the submissions. At present, I have two writers that I am working with. I have three readers, one in New York, one in Los Angeles, and one in Oregon. They are awesome. We read and then we share. I am working very hard trying to keep up with the hundreds of query letters and PDF submissions I receive monthly. If I believe in your writing, then you can believe in me. If your writing can immediately pull me into the world you have created to the point I do not want to put it down, then we will have further communication. I know that many if not all of you sending submissions to me are sending submissions to other agents, that is what you should be doing. So, keep writing! Please don't ever give up on your dream. Cheers, Alice.

Still reading...write on!!!
For those of you who are new to my website, Welcome! If you are wanting to submit a query letter to me here, please include a brief synopsis of your work and 50 pages by PDF.
Two bits of advice, please proofread as much as possible. This is your job, and unfortunately, some of you out there think that there is someone out in the writer universe, who will do this for you but that is a huge error in judgment. Your writing is your writing, and it should be as error free as possible. Typos will stop editors cold. Typos very well might cause an editor to throw your piece of writing into the what they call, the "slush" pile, and then that is the end of it. Editing is tedious but necessary, especially if you are serious about your work. Keep the faith. Write on! Alice B
Step 1- How Do I Get Published?
It will take an enormous amount of faith for you to believe that I am the person who will work tirelessly getting your name out in the universe to as many publishers as possible. As well, it takes me hours and hours of cost free work to read submissions. I don't see a penny until you are signed. Once I finish reading your submission, and if your writing ignites a passion in me strong enough to contact you to see if you still need an agent, then I will contact you. That will be the only time you will hear from me. I will only reach out to you to discuss securing a written contract with you in order to pursue publishers on your behalf. I simply cannot reach out to every writer after I receive submissions. A writer looking for an agent must cast a large net to reach as many agents as possible. Once I have a signed contract with a writer, I will then move forward reaching out to publishers.
Step 2 - Trusting Alice Brinkman Literary Agency
When I have finished reading your work, I will contact you to discuss the details of where you are in your agent search and if you still need representation. We will get a chance to know each other at that time through email, zoom video calls, and phone conversations. I work remotely, and I engage with writers from all over the globe through my website and email. Being a writer myself, I know what a privilege it is for all of you who are submitting your work to me, and I will not waste your time or squash your dreams of getting published. If I agree to represent you, I will do my best to help you get there. Full disclosure, I have not had any of the people I represent signed on with a publisher yet. Like you, I rely on the editors at the Publishing institutions I send my clients' submissions to respond back immediately but that simply does not happen often. I have to be assertive and send an email back to them to see if they can elaborate on why they are passing on my clients' work. I honestly do this full-time because this is my business, and I believe in what I am doing. I cannot not promise you anything more than that. Believe me, I know this is agonizing at times and you may want to give up, but remember that old saying,"if it were easy, everyone would do it." Keep writing, keep submitting, and keep the faith. Alice
Signing on with Alice Brinkman
Once we both agree that I will represent you in finding a publisher, the contract will be explained, discussed and signed if all are in agreement. Only after I have a signed contract will I begin the footwork in getting your work out to the publishers. Remember no one makes a penny until a publisher signs you on. Keep the faith, this is not a fast process by any stretch of the imagination, and one must be patient and realistic going in on this venture. You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose, because a writer never stops writing. Keep a positive outlook no matter what happens. I am hoping that I am the one who will help you get published but I repeat, I am just the key to the door, your writing must have legs to stand up to the editors who are reading it. Keep the faith.
Get in Touch
I would like to see at least 50 pages of finished work if you have it. Some of you are saying that you have completed the manuscript but are only sending me a synopsis. It would help save time to include the pdf with your query/synopsis. Cheers!